Kindle Books

We are excited to offer all our books in digital format.

Paperback Books

Our standard format is perfect bound paperback.

Free Books

Our greatest desire is to spread the good news so we offer books to those who cannot afford it at no cost.

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Our desire is to get resources into the hands and hearts of God's people at the lowest possible cost.


We have a unique ministry model.

Practical Resources

William Tyndale's desire for English speakers was that the "plow boy" would have the same access to the Bible as "priests". We believe now more than ever, each believer should have access to practical Bible commentaries and books for rich discipleship.

All of our authors have donated their work to expand the Kingdom so that we can publish books at the lowest possible cost. Our only motive is to see Christ magnified, his Kingdom expanded, with a strong emphasis on practical discipleship for Christians to grow and change into Christ's image.

We cover these book genres

We want to tell the new adventures of the saints for the old time faith in this generation. We are committed to materials that encourage rich discipleship that support the ministry of the local church. 

Christian Biographies

God is on the move! We want to produce books that tell the exciting stories of faith around the world.

Bible Commentaries

We are producing Bible commentaries that present God's Word in very practical ways.

Discipleship Resources

Our discipleship resources aim for a three tier approach: the Gospel, sound theology, and practical Christian living from the heart.

Evangelistic Books

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We believer every person needs to know Christ.


Helpful books that give an answer for the hope that is within us are available to answer the cutting edge controversies in our culture that demonstrate the sufficiency of the Scriptures.

Multi-lingual Resources

Thus far we are offering resources in English, Spanish, and Arabic. We hope to add many more languages to reach more people.

Proclaiming Jesus one book at a time.

Nations on Earth
Billion People
Million Evangelical Christians

Meet Our Authors

God is raising up ordinary Christians to do extraordinary things for God through offering resources that help Christians everywhere grow and change into Christ's image.

Dr. Ahmed Joktan, M.D. is a medical doctor who turned evangelist. His father is a mufti in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Once set to bring jihad to the world, he came to know Jesus Christ as Savior and wants to bring true peace in Jesus to Muslims and lost people everywhere.
Dr. Ahmed Joktan
Christian Biography
Matt is a pastor on the south side of Chicago. He loves presenting practical expositions of the Bible for the whole family.
Matt Black
Bible Commentaries
Lydia Svast has been a professor and linguist in French and Russian as well as a language assistant in the French Embassy in Russia. Her story of coming to Christ in communist Yugoslavia is a story of God's power to overcome in the midst of darkness.
Lydia Svast
Christian Biography

We are here to Proclaim Jesus

Our goal for Proclaim Publishers is to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ available to every person on the planet through books and online media.

Books we've published

We are excited to proclaim Jesus one book at a time!

Listen to Dr. Ahmed's story
Dr. Ahmed shared his story on Janet parshall live on moody radio.
Join Our Team
Proclaim Publishers is a non-profit ministry. We utilize volunteers and interns in many areas.
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    Every book needs many sets of eyes to go over the grammar and content so that each book published has the mark of excellence.

  • Interns Needed

    Interns are needed for everything from graphic design and layout to global publishing and working with national Christians around the world.

  • Partners Needed

    Financial partners are needed for many publishing projects that are awaiting funding, beginning with Spanish and Arabic materials.

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    Why Another Christian Publisher?

    Why Another Christian Publisher?

    The vision of Proclaim Publishers is unique. We enlist authors to write books that will enrich the lives of Christians and conform them into the image of Jesus Christ. Authors get no commission, but all proceeds go to church planting in persecuted nations worldwide. “Freely you have received, freely give” was the command of Jesus (Mt 10:8). Many Christian publishers…

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    From Mecca to Christ, Now Available

    From Mecca to Christ, Now Available

    Dr. Ahmed Joktan’s new biography is now available where ever you buy books. Journey with Dr. Joktan from his birthplace in Saudi Arabia, to his current location in the United States. Dr. Joktan was raised in a staunchly religious Muslim home whose father was, and is, a widely known and respected teacher of Sunni Islam. In trying to please his…

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    Ephesians, Now Available

    Ephesians, Now Available

    Proclaim has now published a new addition to the Proclaim Commentary Series. Ephesians: Rooted and Grounded in Christ is now available wherever books are sold. The subject of the book of Ephesians is vital to your existence on this planet as God’s child. What does it mean to be “in Christ” as an individual and as a congregation? What does…

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